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Books that Need to be on your next TBR

  • Goin to Hell: Fresh Kills Vol 1 by Chuck Nasty

3 stories all intertwined around one man in this town (The Man in Black) and its good. Chuck says he is going to release other Volumes following the mysterious Man in Black and I cannot wait to find out more. Love his writing.

  • Rural Decay by Jason Nickey (Release early May)

This is a twisted tale of Father and Son like you've never read before. It's in your face and brutal as fuck. Trust me when I tell you it goes places you don't want to go but you can't stop reading. Jason fucking killed it with this one. This will be his first more extreme novella since Mockingbird.

  • When A Mockingbird Sings by Stuart Bray/Jason Nickey

Just read it. It's fucking good. It's disgusting and vile. It's repulsive and everything terrible you can imagine written with a beautiful prose.

  • The Rest Stop by Eric Butler

Like the back of the book says its House of a 1000 corpses and Texas Chainsaw Massacre wrapped up into one. I was lucky enough to get the little 4x6 version from AuthorCon 3 and its damn good. Get it and read it! Eric is a great writer!

  • The Amityville Bukkake by Edward Lee/R.J. Benetti/Judith Sonnet

This book is just clever and fucking hilarious. 3 amazing writers and forces to be reconned with. Ever wondered what would happen if a porno shoot took place in the haunted Amityville house, well these twisted fuckers wrote about it! This book is filled with more than laughs.


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