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Scares that Care: AuthorCon 3

Updated: Apr 20, 2024

Last weekend in Virginia was an awesome experience. It was my first time going to an event like this. I've always been a huge horror fan and loved the idea of Cons, but never really took the time to look into them. I'm glad I was talked into it. There are memories and relationships made there that will last forever.

Now, I didn't get a table—I wanted to just go there and see what it was like. Meet all the people I have been talking to since last October and see how they set up their vending spots. I kind of slummed around and hung out. Hell, even talked to and met people I never knew before or knew about. It was amazing.

Got to talk to Brian Keene, which was pretty amazing. I'm gonna try to find the time to go to Vortex Books and do a signing and a reading. Thank you again for the kind offer, Brian. It really meant the world to me.

Candace Nola has edited two of my books and been helping me on this journey in the crazy world of writing. Finally met her after months of conversations and she was exactly like I pictured her: kind and caring. It was great to meet her wonderful family as well.

Family is honestly what it felt like all weekend. A huge reunion of distant relatives you never knew you even had. I was nervous as hell about going and overall, I'm glad I did. If you have ever thought about going but don't because you're too nervous, think you're socially awkward, or don't fit in... don't think that. You need to trust me when I say this. You will leave feeling like you finally belong somewhere.

I met some of my favorite authors who influenced me: Kristopher Triana, being one of them, and he was welcoming and helpful with advice. Got to hang with Jason Nickey, Stuart Bray, Asher Dark, Matt Wildasin, Stephen Kozeniewski, and so many others I admire and enjoy talking to.

It was the first time in my life I felt more connected to my writing that ever before. Sure, publishing some books is great and has been a long-time dream of mine. But to meet other writers, readers, new and seasoned from all over, it was stellar on all levels.

I could write a book on all my experiences over the weekend. But I'll leave it at this.

Go if you can. It was a blast.


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